
Saturday 14 April 2012

doing the will of God

Many think doing the will of God is going to church every Sunday,telling people to come to church, and going on missionairies. But the truth is, is that we must get our lives right before Jesus and develop a relationship with Jesus. Matthew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ see we must listen to God and do his will and develop a relationship not just a one way relationship but a 2 way relationship. Doing the will of God is listening to God and obeying what he has said to you, but many like to go out in their own strength and preach and they get the gospel wrong because they are doing in their own strength and it is leading many people to hell today. In churches today they dont teach that you can hear God and there are very few that hear the voice of God and obey!I want to say you can hear Gods voice and he speakes to us in many ways. Through prophets, an audible voice, a voice in your head, dreams, visions, knowledge, sometimes feelings but all need to be discerned proparly. Whatever way he speaks to you, you must obey. About 3 weeks ago the voice of the Lord came to me and said while i was on the bus: "I want you to pray for healing over that women" that was half blind, and i hesitated and said to God "but its so hard cant you just heal her yourself" and i kept making up excuses and then the voice of the Lord came to me again and said " what is stopping you?" and I had a good think about it and I came to realise there is nothing stopping me, so I walked up to her and talked to her and asked if I could pray for her and I touched her eyes and I commanded them to be healed and they were healed at an instant. So doing the will of God is obeying what he tells you to do. If you live your life doing what God wants you to do then you are doing the will of God dont automatically think you are doing the will of God you only know through the voice of the Lord. So ask God where he wants you, what he wants you doing and if there is anything in your life you need to give up for god. Only those who are doing the will of God enter heaven. Many people these days think they are saved, but the truth is you must be a born again believer, and to become born again you must put away all sin and repent, and beleive in Jesus. Then we must listen to God and get close to God and obey and keep our robes clean from sin. Then you will know you are living a holy and righteous life before God. But back to doing the will of God, the will of God means doing what God wants you to do! if its not being led by God its fruitless, but all good fruit comes from the Lord. So put of all sin and start listening to God this is the way to know you are truly doing the will of God

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