
Sunday, 19 May 2013

Transcript of tornados coming to France youtube video!

Hey everyone its Nick here, the Lord showed me something important the other night. He showed me another prophecy and he told me to tell everyone, while i was on my bed just about to go to sleep the Lord spoke to me and said "Nick I want to show you something" so he showed me something and ill tell you what he showed me, he showed me tornados in France, thats what he showed me, he showed me that multiple tornados would hit France and it would cause destruction, all it was was 2 flashes, 2 images, that came to me, one picture was a tornado and what i saw was the Eiffel tower and thats basically all the Lord gave me, so basically now is the time to turn to Jesus Christ, nows the time to be saved, if you don't believe in Jesus Christ do so now and you will receive forgiveness of all your sins and you will be washed clean and you will be set free, so believe in him and you will be saved. Sin is disobedience to God, so if you've disobeyed him if you've broken one of his commands which we all have, he can forgive you of it for his loving no matter what you have done, Jesus lived a perfect life on this earth and he did that in our place, and you know it is right that we should die for our own sins for our own wrong doing thats the penalty of committing a sin, but Jesus took it for us, we deserve to die for our own sins but Jesus did it in our place instead of dying in our sins we can die and go to eternal life, pass through death to life. 

So my question to you is if you died tonight where would you go would you go to the kingdom of heaven? or would you face the consequence of your sins which is death? and end up in hell forever, it's a serious thing to think about and the choice is wether you believe it or you don't believe it. Jesus is the only way he rose again 3 days later after dying for each and every single one of our sins he took all the sins away and now there is forgiveness and salvation in him. He is the light of the earth, he is the salt of the earth, he is freedom, he is love, he is mercy and compassionate. It's not like what you see around much today a lot of people are religious today, a lot of people will tell that you need to keep a certain amount of laws or do this and that to be saved, but the truth is God made a simple way if you believe you will be saved, you can follow religion, you can follow any kinds of law, but believing in Jesus is the only way that your going to be saved by him, so John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life, now my question to you is do you want eternal life?

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