
Wednesday, 3 October 2012

California earthquake prophecy last warning now!

Hey everyone, ah the Lord's been telling me a lot lately that the California earthquake is near, most of you probably heard about it but it's where right at the door now, its our last chance to repent, this is what God has been telling me, and he showed me a dream about the California earthquake as well, which I showed in the last video, but God's saying it very close and we must repent now, to prevent this event, but I tell you all who are living in California right now, now's the time to get out, don't worry about your homes, get out of there now for it will go under the ocean, a massive earthquake will hit and a tsunami will hit also, just repent now, give your hearts over to Jesus if you have not yet!

1 comment:

  1. You're right that the California earthquake is coming but it won't happen until the Spring of 2017 or maybe the spring of 2016.

    It's actually part of a larger series of earthquakes that will span from Southern Chile all the way up to Alaska. They will set off a series of tidal waves that will bury all the cities that are on the eastern seaboards of their respective countries and continents.
