
Sunday, 22 April 2012



Many people today get leading of feelings, hearing gods voice, dreams, visions and other various ways. But is what you’re getting properly discerned? Because we can get leading off Satan, our own mind or God. The truth is we have to get to know Jesus very well and we will know all good things. It’s like the bankers deal with money all day and for a long time they get to know money very well and they study it carefully and because they have seen the Good money so much that when a fake note comes in they can tell straight away whether its real or not. So if we get to know Jesus very well we will know all things that come from Jesus, but when something of the devil slips in we can easily identify whether it was from God or the devil. So develop a relationship with Jesus and get to know the good things. Only Good fruits can come from God and only bad fruits can come from the devil. 

Testing the spirit 

God gives us the Holy Spirit so we can have a relationship with Jesus. God will talk to us and lead in many ways but how do we know we are hearing God's voice? Because Satan can manipulate God's voice in your head. Here are some ways you can find out who you are really listening too.

1. Test the spirit and ask the spirit, did Jesus come in the flesh? And only the spirit of God can say yes if we don’t hear anything or a no that is from Satan. 1 John 4:1-4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the Antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

2. Does what the spirit is saying to you glorify God? Man? Or Satan? If it glorifies God then it will be from God. 

3. Then look at the bible and see if what the spirit is saying to you lines up with the bible, but be careful, when Jesus was on top of a mountain Satan came to him and tried to use scripture against him so ask Jesus for interpretation of the scripture so you will not be deceived. 

 4. Does what the spirit say bear good fruit and you are seeing people lead to Jesus? Edified? Encouraged? Leading to repentance? Or helping someone? 

5. If you are still unsure then ask for confirmation, by asking in prayer for 2 or 3 witnesses to be lead by God to tell you what God has told you. 

 How to get to know Good 

 We get to know good by getting to know Jesus. By developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. We develop a relationship with Jesus through praying to God and seeking him. We need to seek the truth we can’t just expect it all to fall on our hands; we seek God through prayer and the bible. So get on your knees everyday and pray to God as much as possible and seek him and he will reveal his voice to you. It says in scripture draw near to God and he will draw near to you. So the closer we get to God the better we can hear his voice. So develop a relationship with God and you will know good fruits, because God is full of good fruits he cannot possibly bear bad fruits. 

So we can see how to distinguish good from evil but what about our own thoughts to Gods voice, well this one can be tricky but there is a way to know your voice from Gods voice. We have to look at the motive of everything; it all must be out of love. Our own minds will only do what we want to do, God will get us to do things we don’t want to do sometimes. Also god will have a certain tone in your head and get to know that tone and don’t try and manipulate Gods voice with your own thoughts because this will confuse you, ask God in prayer to clear your mind so your more open to hearing the voice of God. 


Many people get lead of feelings, but feelings are very hard to discern and it's not a very good way to be lead. To be honest I don’t like being led of feeling because I get lead astray when I let feelings take over so it is only good in very few occasions like when you are prophesying over someone and you get the feeling like the other person does, God can do that so you know how the other person is feeling so you can get to their level and help them out. But overall we have to be very careful with feeling and not let feelings be your motive. 

Dreams and visions 

Dreams and visions I find are a good way of being lead and can be easily discerned. Dreams and visions can lead us to prophecy over someone, heal the sick, do miracles, preach to someone, a prophetic message or warning to the people. With dreams and visions they must be interpreted properly by asking God for wisdom. We must get the correct meaning of it or the devil can use the dream or vision from God to manipulate into serving Satan. So always ask God for the interpretation or ask someone that is strongly led by the Holy Spirit to interpret it, just like Daniel did in the bible. So make sure you get the correct meaning of the dream or vision and discern whether it is from God or not by testing. 

Prophetic message 

When you receive a prophetic message see what the prophet spoke of will come to pass and if it does it’s from God, but if it’s leading from the Holy Spirit and you have been told through a prophet to go and do something then ask God in prayer and see if God says the same thing to you. So overall it’s very important to know who’s leading you, and I hope this helps anyone that struggles, and also discernment is a spiritual gift so ask God for the gift. God bless you all. May the grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. 

Saturday, 14 April 2012

earthquake update

doing the will of God

Many think doing the will of God is going to church every Sunday,telling people to come to church, and going on missionairies. But the truth is, is that we must get our lives right before Jesus and develop a relationship with Jesus. Matthew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ see we must listen to God and do his will and develop a relationship not just a one way relationship but a 2 way relationship. Doing the will of God is listening to God and obeying what he has said to you, but many like to go out in their own strength and preach and they get the gospel wrong because they are doing in their own strength and it is leading many people to hell today. In churches today they dont teach that you can hear God and there are very few that hear the voice of God and obey!I want to say you can hear Gods voice and he speakes to us in many ways. Through prophets, an audible voice, a voice in your head, dreams, visions, knowledge, sometimes feelings but all need to be discerned proparly. Whatever way he speaks to you, you must obey. About 3 weeks ago the voice of the Lord came to me and said while i was on the bus: "I want you to pray for healing over that women" that was half blind, and i hesitated and said to God "but its so hard cant you just heal her yourself" and i kept making up excuses and then the voice of the Lord came to me again and said " what is stopping you?" and I had a good think about it and I came to realise there is nothing stopping me, so I walked up to her and talked to her and asked if I could pray for her and I touched her eyes and I commanded them to be healed and they were healed at an instant. So doing the will of God is obeying what he tells you to do. If you live your life doing what God wants you to do then you are doing the will of God dont automatically think you are doing the will of God you only know through the voice of the Lord. So ask God where he wants you, what he wants you doing and if there is anything in your life you need to give up for god. Only those who are doing the will of God enter heaven. Many people these days think they are saved, but the truth is you must be a born again believer, and to become born again you must put away all sin and repent, and beleive in Jesus. Then we must listen to God and get close to God and obey and keep our robes clean from sin. Then you will know you are living a holy and righteous life before God. But back to doing the will of God, the will of God means doing what God wants you to do! if its not being led by God its fruitless, but all good fruit comes from the Lord. So put of all sin and start listening to God this is the way to know you are truly doing the will of God

Thursday, 12 April 2012

earthquake update

faith and deeds

Faith and deeds (Red words are the words that Jesus spoke of in the bible) 19/2/2012 Turn to god he is greater than all, no power can match to his. He has the power to chuck u in the depths of hell or give you eternal life in heaven to praise God. God knows you inside out the devil will try tricking you and deceiving you but keep your eyes on Jesus and follow what he does. Follow his word and do what the holy spirit tells you to do like Jesus says in Revelations 2: 7-11-17-29 and 3:6-13-22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said to him “‘37You shall love the lord your God with all your heart, soul and with all your mind’ 38 “this is the first and great commandment. 39.“And the second is like it: ‘you shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ Those are the 2 main commandments you need to focus on following. James says in his book that faith is useless without deeds, the deeds are what the holy spirit tells you to do be like Abraham had faith and deeds when god told him to kill his son, in Genesis chapter 22 Abraham listened to God and had faith in what he said but he also had fulfilled his deed (what God told him to do)which was to make burnt offering as sacrifice to God but the sacrifice was his own son, but God was just testing him to see if he had faith and ‘deeds’ not just faith so just as Abraham was about to sacrifice his own son for God , an angel called to him from heaven and told him to not kill Isaac just before he was about to kill his son and burn him as an offering , God was just testing the faith that Abraham had in God to do his will so Abraham came a very trustful servant for God and he was blessed, that’s what we have to be like; we have to be ready and willing to do what God tells us to do, whether God says go to Egypt and preach my name there or whether it would be something that involves doing his will in your home, big or small `whatever it is be ready and sturdy on your feet ready for what he has got in store for you. God bless  Sam smith

fulfilled prophecy

An 8.6-8.9 occured near Indonesia Sumatra, But my friends this is only just the beggining of more to come! this is just a warning, we all must repent to stop to stop any more severe earthquakes from occuring, the longer you wait to repent and accept Jesus the more you risk your life. This is a serious matter, what good is it if a man gains the whole world yet forfiet his very soul? so take things seriously there is one person going to hell every second. Us as Christians have got to step up and show the truth to many people, that the people need to repent and committ full to Jesus Christ time is short Jesus could come any moment prepare for the end times we are in them!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

8.9 earthquake Sumatra

8.9 earthquake hits northwest of Sumatra everyone get ready this is only just the start everyone look at the prophecy below this is just the start of mega earthquakes...

Sunday, 8 April 2012

The Train to Life, We take a train, we need a ticket. We need that ticket to get on board; well we all have that ticket! The ticket is the choice to go on the train, but we can also miss the train? Which means it’s not a good idea. Well YOU have that ticket, believe it or not? Once you give your life to Christ, you’re now on the train to heaven. But we need to stay on the train, sometimes the train will stop! Because God will wait for us to make a move & to take his opportunities to bring more passengers on board. If we listen & seek Gods will? Well he will defiantly use us to bring more on that train to life! Now Christ is near, we can't miss on that train! Because if we wonder off while your train has taken off? You’re left behind sadly & truly. So are you going to go on board? Or just wonder off & miss your train? Little Message: Christ Lord gave me this revelation to warn & help others understand that this is a serious situation. Godbless - Luke.

Friday, 6 April 2012

California and Australian earthquake prophecy

I had a dream in February 2012 8th 2012 I was in a factory and I was working with all these people and we were working fast, building all sorts of object, it seemed impossible how fast they were building the object. I checked my phone to see in any big earthquakes had struck in the last few hours, but nothing just small ones, It seemed like 5 minutes in the dream and a women came about 2 metres away from me and said California has been hit by a massive earthquake and I was in a bit of a shock... and I walked to this underground bunker that was supported by steel and had a series of chambers and ladder access to each chamber and I got given this pad and it had where all the earthquakes hit and I all of sudden could hear what was going on is California for a second and it was full of great distress and God took me over the waters and the land and he showed me where earthquakes will hit in the future I saw 2 north west of australia one measure 8.9 on the Richter scale and the other 9.0 on the Richter scale. Then I went the Queensland and Just south, south, west of Cape York a massive 8.7 hit there. Then I want all the way over to California and God divided up the land to south California to North California. First I went to North California and an 8.4 earthquake hit there, It was located near San Francisco, then the Lord took me to south California and 2 earthquakes measuring at 8.0 and 9.2 near LA then I looked out in the ocean and a huge 10.3 earthquake struck there, there is no doubt there will be millions of deaths and there was so amny after shocks around it. The I got out of the map and a climbed out the underground bunker and there was this huge machine there pointing at the sun. The machine look like a massive gun and it was at the shore of the sea. Repent and get out of the world now its not time to muck around and love sin we must be fully devoted ourselves to Jesus Christ he is the only one that can save you from hell. He is coming back to take his children very soon and hes only coming back for those without spot or wrinkle (without sin) you dont want to miss out on the return of Jesus or you will face Gods wrath and that will be a terrible time or great distress. So make every effort to get close with Jesus, dont be lazy and ignorant in these last hours, hear my warning!! repent of perish.. God bless.

California and Australian earthquake prophecy

The dream I received was on the 2nd of January 2012. In the dream I was out in the front of the house and then I walked into the house and all these people greeted me, and they were all telling me that big earthquakes had occurred and tsunamis were resulted. I walked into the next room and a group of about 15 people were watching television. I joined in with them and had a look on the TV and I saw an earthquake had hit California and a big tsunami occurred and it was measured at 8.0 on the Richter scale. Then I was still looking at the TV and a big earthquake measuring 9.9 on the Richter scale hit Tasmania and also caused a tsunami and I had the knowledge that Perth also got hit by an earthquake. Then I woke up and I told my brother of the dream. The Lord has been speaking to me alot lately even in an audible voice out loud he said my name 3 times and hes been telling me to tell everyone else 'tell my children to get close now! and he keeps telling me to preach on repentance. The only way this event is going to be preventing is that people start repenting of their wicked ways and start living holy lives serving God.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

true discipleship

my testimony


hey everyone I will be posting teaching/prophecies/news and everything relating to Jesus Christ. I will share with you revelations, visions and dreams involving the end times and keeping up to date with earthquake activity around the world.. god bless.